Background snapshot for embed with autoPlay disabled?

We’re using the JS SDK to embed two cameras in a mobile site. Is there a configuration parameter to request a snapshot instead of the black background before the play button is clicked? On our desktop site we display a clickable thumbnail snapshot for each camera which opens a larger pop-up window for viewing the video stream.

So far I can only see the “id” and “autoPlay” options being passed to AngelCam.player( { … } ) and the only documentation I found was the “Working with Broadcasting Embed codes” article which is not a formal specification and doesn’t refer to any other possible configuration parameters.

Hi Ivor, sorry, there is no such feature. Yet I believe there are two options how to achieve desired behavior:
A) request video feed via our API (HTTP:// and use your own player
B) we may consider developing the feature for you if you are willing to participate in development costs. If that’s the case, reach us at to discuss details (please include a link to this thread, thanks!).