I’m not terribly knowledgeable about putting a camera on the web but for months this has been my goal and I’ve invested quite a bit of money and effort trying to make it work. I have now purchased my third camera a Reolink, an Angelbox and what I had understood to be a subscription to Angelcam that would make it all work. My app says that I’m “broadcasting” but I don’t even know what that really means. LOL.
To whom am I “broadcasting”?
I have searched and searched for the answers and there’s loads of information to sift through but I never really know what and how much of it is relevant to me.
If I state exactly what I want to do, can someone take me by the hand and show me what I need to do to achieve my goal?
I would like to be able to supply a URL so that a normal http web browser elsewhere on the internet can see what my camera sees.
Do I need to find a web host and make my own web page with embedded code in it? Is there another way?
I should say that my camera works fine and so does the Angelbox and I can view it here locally on phone apps and web browser. But that is when I’m logged in to Angelcam.
I realise that some readers of this will be doing some serious eye-rolling and head-shaking but hey, this is all very new to me and we all had to start somewhere.
Thank you very much in advance for any assistance that’s proffered.
Hello Jim, first of all thank you for being a https://www.angelcam.com/ customer! You are more than halfway there as the only part needed now is to create a website where you could embed the code in.
Jim, you will need a website. I can recommend you a free website builder like https://www.weebly.com/ or doing a simple google search like this. There are numerous website builders that will help you with the task.
After you have a functioning website you will simply visit the sharing tab in the broadcasting application and copy the embed code. You will then follow this helpful guide and paste the code in your newly created website.
Thank you very much Pavel?
I shall now get cracking with building a web page! 
Hi Jim, just to clarify - besides having your own website, you can even share the live stream on a page Angelcam is automatically generating for each broadcasted camera. Examples:
A) With the Free plan, the page includes ads: https://hotel-lippert.click2stream.com/
B) With the Standard plan, the page is ads-free: https://grandislerentals1.click2stream.com/
In both plans, you can name your camera, add a description, tags (all this helps potential viewers to find a camera via search on Google or so), and finally, add your logo to the video.
A camera address then can be shared via social networks, email, and so on.
If you will decide to create your own website, feel free to use any of these builders: www.websiteplanet.com/top/10-website-builders.
Thank you Petr. I’ll certainly have a look at that. I know that I have a paid subscription with Angelcam but I don’t know what it entitles me to do. 
Hi Petr,
I tried entering the URL https://baywatch.click2stream.com/ but it just says that the page cannot be found. Baywatch is the name of my camera.
Am I missing a step?
Best wishes,
Jim Robin
The address you have entered to the camera settings is https://baywatch1.click2stream.com/ 
Very grateful ---- Thank you 
Hi Petr,
All I’m getting is Ouch! Playback error.
And wondering why if I’m paying a subscription, there are ads?
Should I cancel my subscription?
Best wishes,
Hi Petr,
I have to say that this is all very frustrating.
“Your AngelBox with ID wHtjvgzxsu went offline. Affected cameras: Baywatch”
then a few minutes later …
“Your AngelBox with ID wHtjvgzxsu is online again!”
Great! It’s back … I’ll just check on the app
It’s offline!
What causes it to go offline and how do I get it back online?
The camera feed is working fine because I checked it on the Reolink app. All is well!
Thank you again.
Best wishes,
Further to earlier email where I reported that the “Ouch Playback Error”, amazingly it works on everything (computer web browsers and tablets) EXCEPT my phone!
Bizarre! No idea why that is!
Best wishes,