Along with end user solutions we also offer partnership opportunities to create a secondary video storage and viewing. This gives you the opportunity to not only manage user accounts from our web UI but also create further revenue stream by receiving commission for connecting both new clients and additional devices.
To create a reseller account simply choose, “camera reseller”, during account creation. Activation for the reseller portal requires a $1 verification fee that must be paid prior to gaining access to the account. Once verified you’ll then receive instructions on how to create your branded landing page for client access.
Benefit breakdown:
- 10% commission on any services connected for client accounts
- Discounts given for Angelcam hardware (Angelbox)
- We will provide you with promo material
- You will get 5% discount coupons for customers
Not to mention, you’d have the full backing of the Angelcam support team.
Client Account Management:
When creating client accounts Angelcam gives resellers two options for managing them.
- Full client account where clients will have total control over their camera, billing and guest access.
- Limited client account where clients will have only the ability to view their stream(s) and recordings. All other account features are locked and only accessible by the reseller.
Along with account management Angelcam offers two billing options for created clients.
- Billing directly through the Angelcam payment platform. Clients with this option would handle their own service billing and subscription setup. Clients with limited account access cannot use this type of billing.
- Client billing is handled by the reseller, outside of our payment platform. This means that it is up to the reseller to handle client payments and would otherwise be responsible for the publicly priced services that are connected. At the end of each month the reseller would receive an invoice from Angelcam and be required to pay for connected services per client.
Payout for resellers can be completed once the set, $200, threshold is met. Angelcam gives resellers the option to be paid out immediately, once the threshold is met, or to bank their commissions until the desired amount is accumulated.
To receive discount codes please contact Angelcam support.